The importance of Being Different

What does mean the importance of being different? Being different is a value and most of the people forget this particular aspect Why? The need of "fit in " is so strong so we try all the best to "hide" this part of ourselves.

I spent most of my life trying to hide the part of me who was different because people didn't like who I was, not only in the straigh world but as well in the gay world, it seems absurd but it's not. What I have learnt in the last years; when I'm different I'm Fabio with all my aspects and I'm not trying to be someone else who is fake and trying to live a life, I would call " a not real life" where be different is something wrong.

One of my favourite entrepreneur was Steve Jobs and I will never forget the ads " Think differently", I loved so much! I couldn't imagine a world without these people, not only were different but also genius.

Be different means be fabulous, be yourself, be courageous to show in the world who you really are. I had to fight to be who I am today and I will always be for people who are not accept by this society. Be different is not about sexuality but it's about who you are as person because I think in each one of use there is this part.

fabio de sio